Monday, 25 November 2013

All packed up

Following my recent ponderings on the meaning of home, I can now report that I have fully moved out of mine. Last weekend I (with the help of two buff removalists and my friend Alex) moved all of my belongings (apart from a few boxes and suitcases) into a little storage unit.

Here is the new 'home' for all my stuff! After a swift game of tetris it looked like this:

Amazing. With my boxes thoroughly labeled and anything breakable safely stowed on top, I popped a padlock on the door and that's it until January 2015. I paid for a full year up front and I'm now officially the littlest hobo. I'm staying in a friend's spare room for a couple of weeks and then I'll be housesitting for my friend Ky who is going overseas for the month of December.

My first task post-move was the unenviable one of cleaning the old apartment. Three evenings in a row scrubbing away left it spick and span in time to receive my full deposit back. All I will say is that cleaning venetian blinds is the ninth circle of hell.

Farewell Harrow Road. 

Now I feel a little displaced and I'm finding it most disconcerting that things aren't where I expect them to be. Everything's taking me twice as long and I'm realising that I've packed some things away that it would be really handy to have access to right now. I guess this is going to take some getting used to!

I'm glad I've got the opportunity for a 'phased' approach to downsizing though, otherwise it might have felt like too much of a shock.

Only 19 days left at work! Can't quite believe it.